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Not mine but God's will


We don’t all have the same journey, we don’t all have the same experiences, backgrounds, and upbringing, believes or culture but one thing we all have in common is when we’ve reached a goal, any goal whether it be personal goals, educational goals, or career goals, we can say: “I did it”. Once we’ve said those words, it takes us back to where it all started and where it all started was for you to say God I don’t know my future, I don’t know how it’s going to be, I don’t know how it’s going to end but Your will be done. My Thoughts 13 (created: 16 ‎November ‎2013, ‏‎11:48:20 PM) is a short sweet summary of how it came about that I studied what I did. I wrote this during my first year and now was able to look back at it and still say “Not mine but God’s will” and even now, it reminds me that His plan and purpose for our lives is far greater than what you can plan by yourself and also that your journey is yours, what you experience, what you encounter, how it came about, believe it or not it is your testimony.

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