Hi all, well tonight's post, when you read it you might notice that it doesn't mention anything about race or anything of that matter but this was so dear to my heart and made me think of how powerful those three words are and what an impact it could have in any situation or circumstance. Whether it be you saying it from your heart to your mom/dad or loved one. In a case of race to me the word Love simply means a Life Of Variety Everyday. Loving your neighbour as you love yourself. Race is therefore different human beings loving the fact of being different and embracing it together. When it comes to love you don't see colour but a human being with a different personality, style, sometimes language, don't let me go deep but hair texture, which represents us all in a way of being different in all those aspects but you accept the person for who they are and love them for they show you all kinds of different images of God for we are created in God's image, indeed. One last thing, opposite of hate is love and "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.-1John4:8
(My Thoughts: Created;01 November 2013, 03:44:07 PM)
This thought is dedicated to:
Cody Williams
Lambert Paulse
Congratz ladies and gent.